ACG Education launches on WeChat

ACG Education is delighted to announce the launch of our inaugural WeChat account.

WeChat is China’s largest social media and instant messaging platform, with around a billion active monthly users.

“As a growing international education group, we recognise WeChat is an incredibly effective platform to reach Chinese speaking communities,” said Head of Marketing, Pathways and International, Rebecca Bain.

“We’re excited to grow our social media presence in that important market and be able to update WeChat users with news, information and stories about our wonderful schools, students and alumni.”

With preschools, schools, university pathway programmes and vocational and higher education colleges at 50 campuses across three countries, ACG Education is dedicated to helping around 17,000 students a year unleash their potential and build brighter futures.

ACG Education’s WeChat channel can be accessed by searching for username: ACG_Education or scanning the QR Code above.









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