Choosing where you study can be hard, so that’s why our open days are a good chance to check out our campus before making that all-important decision.
You’ll be able to meet tutors and course advisors, learn about the courses you could study, and take a tour of our campuses – the Wellington campus is brand new!
This is a normal day for our students with classes running. It’ll be a great chance for you to come look at what they are working on and get a good feel for what student life is like at our Yoobee campuses.
If Digital is in your DNA, then Yoobee is a great place to study. With courses ranging from 2 days to 3 years, we’ll teach you how to blaze a trail in today’s rapidly changing world of digital design. Taught by designers, for designers, using the latest industry standard equipment, we will even help you get a great job!
Wellington Open Day
Friday 1st December
10am – 2pm
Contact Sarah Wade if you have any questions
Auckland Open Day
Friday 8th December
10am – 2pm
Contact Grace Shariff if you have any questions.
Christchurch Open Day
Friday 8th December
11am – 4pm
Contact Oscar Green if you have any questions.