Yoobee School of Design Moving with the Times on the Fast-track to Success

Yoobee School of Design is shifting its Wellington headquarters to the city’s Railway Station. It’s a significant move into highly designed, brand new facilities, and will see them share the same building as ACG’s Pathways campus, and the Campbell Institute.

Yoobee School of Design is the largest specialised design and multimedia college in the country.  The new space is purpose built, with five dedicated Mac labs, a state-of-the-art green screen studio, four high spec PC labs and two workshop rooms for off the computer creativity.

Nick Webster, Head of School, Yoobee School of Design, says, “We are thrilled with the new space.  We will be able to cater for more students, more courses and the facilities are top notch.  Our teaching staff are excited to create and develop pathways for our students in these inspiring surrounds.”

Film students will love the new sound booth, which has been custom-built in the United States, and the state-of-the art green screen, which has a curved wall to allow for more filming options. They’ll be inspired to create original and compelling stories.

To encourage collaboration, the room numbers in the new campus have been designed by one of the current Creative Digital Design students, selected via a wayfinding competition.

Nick adds, “We are always keen to have our students as involved as possible and while all of the entries were excellent, Aitken Hawkins entry had fantastic justifcation and thinking behind the design which tied in well with the history of the building.”

Fortuitously, Yoobee School of Design is planning its annual Open Days, and in Wellington this will take place on 1 December from 10am to 3pm.  In Auckland it will be the 8 December from 10am to 2pm.

Yoobee School of Design is well known for its alumni students who have achieved heights of success in the film making, digital and graphic design arenas. Students often compete in high calibre events such as WorldSkills, and with this level of experience and exposure Yoobee students are snapped up by prominent leaders in the industry, and offered roles to build their dream careers.

Choosing a programme at Yoobee School of Design opens up a world of possibilities for students, who might be considering careers in the digital and creative space.  Now there’s an ideal larger and inspiring space for them to develop their skills.

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